Love your smile

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We provide safe and effective teeth whitening treatments with lasting results.

A bright, white smile can be a huge confidence boost, as well as improving your overall appearance.

We’re here to assist you in choosing the best path to enhancing your smile.

  • Now Available: BlancOne teeth whitening

    BlancOne is a revolutionary ‘in seat’ whitening treatment with a typical improvement of 3/5 shades of white*.
    The treatment can be done within a few minutes, after your regular hygiene appointment, resulting in a whiter smile, without the use of gingival barriers.
    Delicate, comfortable and affordable, BlancOne is your ideal solution for immediate cosmetic tooth whitening treatment with tangible results and no irritation to gums or teeth sensitivity**.

    Our Hygiene+BlancOne package: £250***

    To book your appointment contact us on: 0207 3909 1690 or email

    *Average whitening results for 25,000 cases
    **Hypersensitivity is a frequent side effect of conventional dental whitening procedures, with over 70% of patients reporting to have suffered from it

    ***The Dental Surgery is offering patients a 40-minute hygiene appointment plus in-chair, ‘BlancOne’ teeth whitening for the combined price of £250. BlancOne teeth whitening treatment is for patients over 18 years of age who are deemed dentally fit with a recent dental health check-up.

    Any additional treatment or dental health check-up required to make a patient dentally fit will be charged at an additional cost.

    This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion and is non-exchangeable, non-transferable, and is not redeemable for cash or other treatments. The Dental Surgery reserves the right to withdraw or change this BlancOne whitening and Hygiene package at any time. This offer is open to both new and existing customers. Available until 31 January 2024 inclusive.

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Smile Enhancing Options

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Teeth whitening can depend on many factors including your lifestyle, the current shade of your teeth and the results you wish to achieve.

There are many options available to enhance the appearance of your teeth ranging from the removal of surface stains to the lightening of internal pigments of teeth and more complex restorative methods.

Our professional whitening treatments are safe, effective and administered by a trained dental professional. They are also tailored to your specific dental requirements, taking into account any oral health complications and assessment requirements, before you begin your ‘perfect smile’ journey.


  • Professional Teeth Whitening

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    Using carbamide peroxide gel in a custom fabricated tray is the traditional tried and tested way to lighten the internal pigments of teeth, thereby improving their appearance without altering any tooth structure.

    We create your own personal tray to fit your mouth comfortably which can be worn overnight or in an approved one hour session. Results can be seen after 10 – 14 applications and the tray can be reused as often as desired.

    As with the other treatments mentioned above, this will only affect natural teeth, other options will need to be considered to whiten veneer, crown and composite restorations.

  • Internal Bleaching

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    This is a very effective way to lighten non-vital teeth that have been discoloured over time or by trauma (particularly effective for patients who have had root canal treatments).

    Bleach is placed inside of the tooth for a week and removed or replaced until the desired result has been achieved.

    Using this technique, we can lighten the remaining tooth structure over several weeks to the desired shade in a very controlled way.

  • White Spots on Teeth

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    Have you ever noticed white spots on your teeth that are much lighter than the rest?

    This can be due to various causes, but often difficult to mask through at-home whitening alone (and can result in an even harsher discrepancy than before).

    This can now be treated, in most cases, in one session with our dentists using the “Icon” treatment – a “no drilling” solution that preserves the healthy tooth structure while improving the colour.

    To find out more call us for a consultation.

  • Composite Restorations, Veneers and Crowns

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    Some whitening treatments mentioned affect the colour of natural teeth and will not have a whitening effect on teeth of any other material (plastic, glass, metal, porcelain, etc.).

    In these cases alternative whitening treatment will have to be discussed and considered.

  • Airflow Scale and Polish

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    Often frequent hygiene treatments are enough to keep a natural smile clean and bright while maintaining the integrity of the tooth surface.

    All of our hygienists use the AirFlow technique in their treatments which remove stains quickly and painlessly with the use of silicone coated powder.

  • Whitening Toothpaste

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    Whitening toothpastes, like the Opalescence toothpaste available in our surgery, contains potassium nitrate and fluoride which aids in reviving the tooth’s natural whiteness.

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  • ‘At home’ Teeth Whitening treatment

    Our at-home whitening treatment starts with an initial consultation with one of our dentists to assess your oral health and suitability.

    Effective tooth whitening products containing or releasing between 0.1% and 6% hydrogen or 10% carbamide peroxide are not available over the counter.

    They can only be prescribed by dental practitioners and professionals.

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    Following your initial consultation, we will take impressions of your teeth to make your custom whitening trays.

    Once your trays are ready, we will fit them to ensure they are comfortable.

    We will provide you with the whitening gel to use at home, either overnight or for an hour, as approved by your dentist.

    During this appointment we will explain how to use your kit and take a photo of the current shade of your teeth to monitor your progress.

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    Depending on the desired results the treatment will take between 10-15 applications.

    In most cases results can last as long as 12 – 18 months, however this will depend on each individual’s lifestyle.

    Avoiding staining agents such as cigarettes and wine means the effects will last longer before whitening maintenance is needed.

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    Teeth whitening gel only affects the colour of natural teeth and will not have a whitening effect on teeth of any other material (plastic, glass, metal, porcelain, etc.).

    Non-vital teeth that have been discoloured over time or by trauma may also be unaffected by this treatment.

    In these cases your dentist will discuss alternative whitening treatments for these teeth.

Frequently asked questions

With so many teeth whitening options on the market it is often tricky to understand what works and what doesn’t. We cover some of the most frequently answered questions below but please visit our blog for more advice from our dental team.

  • Is it safe?

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    Yes. Studies show that the effect on enamel of a total bleaching treatment using 10% carbamide peroxide (3% hydrogen peroxide), is equivalent to one carbonated drink.

    If you are pregnant or nursing, we strongly urge you to seek medical advice before attempting any whitening procedures.

    Only undergo treatment provided by a dental professional.

  • How does it work

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    The Hydrogen Peroxide in professional tooth whitening gel breaks down the molecules that stain teeth into smaller colourless molecules. Giving a brightening effect.

  • Over the counter

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    Over the counter whitening products contain much lower strength of active ingredients than those prescribed by dentists.

    Whilst they may remove surface stains, they will not change the actual colour of your teeth.


Get started by booking an appointment today