The Damaging Effects of Over Exposure To The Sun

Skin cancer is of course the most worrying effect of over exposure to the sun – it is one of the most common forms of cancer and in 90% of cases exposure to the sun is a key factor in the cancer’s onset.

Skin cancer is, thankfully, often highly treatable when diagnosed early. There are three main types of skin cancer and the two more common types, the ‘non Melanoma skin cancers’, make up around 95% of all cases.
It goes without saying that if you have any concerns about moles – new, or changed – or lesions or bumps you should get them checked out.
While cancer might be the biggest fear, there are other changes that do not carry the same risk, but will also lead to premature ageing.

Seek Professional Advice

Over the counter options might now be available, but who wants to trust the appearance of their face to a non-personalised, one size fits all approach?
To get the best results, it is important to book a consultation and discuss your aims for the treatment, this will equip you with enough information to give thought to the pros and cons of different options and make the best decision for you.

Do you have a specific question?

If you would like a free facial aesthetic consultation, get in touch with us today.